Thursday, September 6, 2012

Alright guys, this stuff is magical. But, we can't take credit for this...all goes to seventeen magazine. Danielle and I tried all of these skin treatments, and guess what, every one of them worked! My personal favorite is the acne I do get acne:/, but anyways if you want flawless skin, I'm telling you this stuff works. And the best part's almost free! I highly recommend these if you want perfect skin. I know i do!


  1. What is the acne recipe? It's hard to see?

    1. Sorry... Its 1/2 cup of plain oatmeal, juice of 1/2 a lemon, and 1 egg. Cook the oatmeal as directed on package. Let cool then stir in lemon juice and egg. Dot the mixture on pimples and leave on overnight. The oatmeals antioxidants will bring down swelling, while the acid in the lemon kills bacteria in your pores.The vitamin E in the egg will tighten skin so it appears perfectly smooth. Store leftovers in the fridge for up to a week.
